2020 Leadership

2020 Leadership


EducationBoard of DirectorsNonprofit Member

About Us

20/20 is a bi-state youth educational leadership development program providing a continuum for:

Junior Leaders - 10-month program for high school juniors
Senior Leaders - 5-month program for high school seniors
Alumni Leaders - Graduates return to program as trainers, mentors, board/advisory board members and selection committee members


KCMO students meeting in City Hall
Seniors touring KU
Ruskin, William Chrisman and Van Horn students meeting with Independence Mayor Don Reimal
20/20 Students from Wyandotte County meeting with UG Mayor Mark Holland
2020 students from KCMO schools meeting with KCMO Mayor Sly James
Students learning about careers and businesses at the 2013 Business Expo


Coordinator of Student Programs
Category: Education
20/20 Leadership seeks a positive, passionate, and outgoing individual who will join our team as a Coordinator of Student Programs. This position will be charged with coordinating and implementing all program components for participating students while supporting and executing strategies to help further our mission “to provide high school students unique experiential learning opportunities to ...read more
Contact: Heather Hoel
Phone:(816) 535-0250