American Public Square

American Public Square


Public/Societal BenefitBoard of DirectorsNonprofit Member

About Us

American Public Square brings together non-like-minded people to engage in civil, fact-based dialogue about controversial, potentially polarizing topics that impact our city, region, nation and world.


American Public Square
Roving Reporter, Klassie Alcine, curates and asks questions on behalf of the audience.
American Public Square panel:  The Elephant and Donkey in the Room: The Future of American Political Parties, Oct 2017
APS Founder, Ambassador Allan Katz, welcomes the audience to, "NATO: Truman to Trump," at the Truman Library, Dec 2017


Event & Operations Manager
Category: Administrative, Support & Clerical
American Public Square Event & Operations Manager American Public Square (APS) is a programming organization that produces dozens of community events in the Kansas City area each year. We are a 501 c3 organization, and our mission is to improve the tone and quality of public discourse in our community. We do this by hosting public programs and connecting community members with tools and resources more
Contact: Claire Bishop
Phone:(816) 601-1003