Camps For Kids

Camps For Kids


Youth ServicesBoard of DirectorsEducationNonprofit Member

About Us

The mission of Camps For Kids is to assure that no Kansas City area child will be turned away from summer camp because of low income or physical or developmental disability. The organization was founded by Marjorie Powell Allen in 1981 after the Federal government discontinued a program providing summer camp to The organization was founded by Marjorie Powell Allen in 1981 after the Federal government discontinued a program providing summer camp to children with disabilities or need at no cost to their families.

In 2006 The Hallmark Corporate Foundation brought the Summer Dreams idea to Kansas City. Camps For Kids was selected as the lead agency for Kansas City’s Summer Dreams based on its 25 years of experience in assisting medically and financially disadvantaged campers.

Still true today, it is difficult for many families with children who have physical or developmental issues or who
are low-income to afford the cost of camp. Camps For Kids believes that camp offers opportunities for children
to enjoy a sense of independence, meet and make new friends, develop new skills, and participate in programs
not otherwise available; all while helping to bridge the summer learning gap.

Volunteer Opportunities